Hello ! I'm Sai Santosh 👋

"In programming, the hard part isn't solving problems, but deciding what problems to solve."

A passionate Developer having an experience in Data Analystics, Machine Learning and Web Development and want to develop sustainable and scalable social and technical systems to create impact. I have a passion for both the design and construction of physical structures and the limitless potential of technology.

What I Do ?

Data Science & Machine Learning

Developing machine learning models transforming and analyzing raw data with the aim of uncovering useful information and forming conclusions about the informations.

Working with various python Libraries like Numpy,Pandas,Matplotlib,Seaborn etc and have knowlege of Data analyitical algorithm and techniques.

Web Development

Building Fully responsive website front end using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and Javascript.

I have knowledge only of front end but in near future I will add more features to myself and excited to explore React , NodeJS, Django , Flask and many more.

Data Structure and Algorithms

I have knowledge of Data Structure like Hash Tables, Trees, Tries, Graphs, and various algorithms for solving various problems efficiently.