
I have created a variety of projects that demonstrate my technical expertise and ability to deliver high-quality software applications. My portfolio includes projects that span a range of technologies, from web and mobile development to data analytics and machine learning.


  • Construction Calculator

    This Construction Cost Calculator helps to get a realstic estimate of your actual cost in constucting home and estimate of quantity of materials,

  • Employee Mangement System Java

    This Employee Management System Project application stores all the employee's information in a database.

  • Detection Of plastic with Deep Learning - Python

    This enables us to detect and classifies the trash objects in water bodies assisting in mapping the plastic waste items, and cleaning of water bodies.

  • Shear foce and Bending Moment Diagram Calulation Using Python

    This project bascially a civil engineering related which developed using Python to calculate and analyse the shear force and bending moment of a pin point structure.

  • Speed Bresker and Pothole Detection Using Python

    A speed breaker and pothole detection system using Python typically involves capturing video footage of a road using a camera or a smartphone. Then, using computer vision the system detects the presence of speed breakers and potholes.

  • Design of a Building Structural Element (Footing) using Python

    The program generates a report that includes details of the analysis and design, including the footing dimensions, reinforcement quantities and spacing, and any checks performed.

  • Crack Detection Using Python

    The system generates output images that highlight the detected cracks and their location on the surface. The output may include information about the size and severity of the detected cracks.

  • Stock-sentiment-analysis-Machine-Learning

    The aim of stock sentiment analysis is to predict the price direction of a particular stock or the overall stock market based on the sentiment analysis of the news related to the stocks.

  • Adult-salary-prediction-using-Machine-Learning

    The project involves training a machine learning model on a dataset containing various features of individuals, predicting whether the individual's income is above or below the threshold based on those features.

  • Bitcoin-prediction-using-machine-learning

    Bitcoin prediction using machine learning is a project that involves building a predictive model to estimate the future price of Bitcoin, a popular cryptocurrency. The project involves training a machine learning model on historical Bitcoin price data and other relevant factors

  • Real Time Weather Determination Using

    Real-time weather determination using Python is a project that involves building a system that can collect, process, and display weather data in real-time using Python programming language. This project results in giving the live weather of any city across the globe

  • My Portfolio Website

    My portfolio website is a personal website that showcases a my work, skills, and achievements. My website serves as a digital portfolio of me that , showcase my previous projects, and highlight skills and expertise.. etc in detail.